We know how important high-stakes exams are in the medical profession. Our exceptional team can help you perform your very best on exam day. We tutor for the following exams.

The USMLE is a series of three standardized medical exams known as Step 1, Step 2, and Step 3. Step 2 has two components, 2 CK Clinical Knowledge and 2 CS Clinical Skills, the latter of which is graded on a pass/fail metric. An aspiring doctor must pass all three exams to be licensed and able to practice medicine unsupervised in the US. Scoring well on these exams is extremely important, as they determine which medical specialties you can pursue and what residency program you match into.

COMLEX-USA is a series of three standardized osteopathic medical licensing exams, Level 1, Level 2-CE and Level 2-PE, and Level 3. It is the most common pathway through which osteopathic physicians (DO) apply for a license to practice medicine. Like the USMLE, scoring well on the COMLEX exam is critical to matching into a prestigious residency program, and being able to pursue a competitive specialty.

Shelf Exams and NBME
The NBME Subject Examinations include both the Basic and Clinical Science exams ("Shelf" exams) and the Comprehensive exams. The Shelf exams assess students at the end of a clerkship rotation or course, while the Comprehensive exams measure student readiness for the USMLE. Performing well on these exams demonstrates mastery upon completion of a clerkship rotation, or can help to gauge your baseline knowledge before you schedule to take a USMLE exam.

Residency Board Exams
We tutor for various residency board exams, including the Internal Medicine Board Exam (ABIM), Family Medicine Board Exam (ABFM),
ABS In-Training Examination (ABSITE), and more. These exams are important milestones in residency training for board eligibility and certification.

The MCAT is a standardized test required for admission to most medical schools. It is a seven-and-a-half (7½) hour computer-based test, which tests your knowledge in the physical and biological sciences, as well as your verbal reasoning skills and writing ability. Your MCAT score plays a large factor in determining which medical schools you receive acceptance letters from.

USMLE Step 1 Student

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