Scoring well on USMLE Step 2 CK bolsters your residency application, especially if your Step 1 score wasn't ideal. Even if you did do well on Step 1, a strong performance on Step 2 CK demonstrates consistency and clinical excellence.
USMLE Step 2 CK and CS Overview

Step 2 is taken during the third or fourth year of medical school. It consists of two parts:
Step 2 CK, Clinical Knowledge and Step 2 CS, Clinical Skills.
How is Step 2 CS Administered?
Step 2 CS is a one-day, 8-hour clinical skills exam that consists of a series of patient encounters in which you see standardized patients (actors) and investigate their medical complaint. You will have 12 patient encounters, and 15 minutes for each. Step 2 CS is graded on a pass/fail metric.
How is Step 2 CK Administered?
Unlike Step 2 CS, Step 2 CK is graded on a competitive numerical scale. Step 2 CK is a one-day exam administered in one 9-hour testing session. The exam is divided into eight 60-minute blocks, with each block having a maximum of 40 questions. The total number of items on the overall exam will not exceed 318.
What Material Does Step 2 Cover?
In contrast to Step 1, Step 2 CK is a more clinically-oriented exam, and covers medicine, surgery, pediatrics, obstetrics and gynecology, and psychiatry. Step 2 CK tests your ability to apply medical knowledge, skills and understanding of clinical sciences to deliver patient care, health maintenance, disease prevention, diagnosis and management. Beginning in June 2020, Step 2 CK will include an increased number of questions that test systems-based practice, patient safety, legal/ethical issues and professionalism.
How Important is Step 2 of the USMLE?
Step 2 CK is graded on a numerical scale and has essentially become the new Step 1 in terms of competitive residency application metrics. Students now allocate more time to studying material that will be important for their residency because the Step 2 results specify correctness for particular subject matter topics rather than a general pass or fail exam result. Step 2 tutors help you reach your goals for scoring correctly in your intended medical field niches.
How is Step 2 Scored?
The minimum passing score for Step 2 CK is 209, and the national average is a 243, with a standard deviation of 16. Competitive specialties such as dermatology, neurosurgery and plastic surgery expect residency applicants to perform well on Step 2 CK. In 2022, the USMLE Step 1 is scheduled to transition to a pass/fail metric -- when that change takes place, your Step 2 CK score, which will still be a numerical score, will be even more important for your residency application.
Why You Should Choose MED LEARNITY For Step 2 Tutoring

Personalized Learning
Our team of Step 2 tutors at Medlearnity will help you meet and exceed expectations for your USMLE Step 2 CS, Clinical Skills, and Step 2 CK, Clinical Knowledge, during your third or fourth year of medical school. A Medlearnity USMLE Step 2 CK tutor will take a personalized approach to create sessions tailored to your learning goals and needs. All study sessions are emailed to you to maximize your learning and retention.

Real Doctors
A physician-run company, Medlearnity has built a reputation as having a high-quality user experience and the industry's most talented USMLE tutors. Our tutors daily practice of medicine at the top hospitals in the U.S. gives us the expertise to help you excel in clinical knowledge and medical skills. Meet some of our world-class tutors and learn about their USMLE study experience before you get started.

Proven Results
As we've helped over 500 aspiring doctors achieve success on high-stakes exams, we're sure that your medical exam performance will improve through our USMLE Step 2 CK tutoring services. Our team of physicians understands that a strong performance on the Step 2 CK is essential in helping you stand out as a candidate for prestigious residency programs, so we will work with you to achieve your goals exam score goals.
Meet one of our Expert USMLE Tutors
Dr. Surabhi Menon has scored above the 99th Percentile on the USMLE Exams. Work with her to learn how you can improve your own performance! Surabhi has helped students prepare Step 1, Step 2 CK, Step 3 and the Family Medicine Board Exams.

What to Expect From Our Step 2 Tutors
At Medlearnity, Students Come First. We understand preparing for the USMLE Step 2 CK can be intimidating and deeply personal (to say the least). Therefore, we approach every student's test preparation with our utmost attention to detail to see how we can best assist you. Whether you are having challenges meeting your performance goals, or simply want to make sure you are on a path to success, our team is available to share our perspective and testing skills. We know you will feel the 'Students First' mentality at Medlearnity from the quality of your tutoring service and expertise of our team.
What to Expect
How to Get Started With USMLE Step 2 Tutoring
Start maximizing your success on the exam with a top-rated Step 2 tutoring service. Signing up for Medlearnity's tutoring program is easy and efficient. Book your one-hour discounted session to get started.
Sign up for our Step 2 tutoring service with these three steps:
Schedule your free tutoring trial: Shortly after you sign up for your one-hour discounted session, one of our experts will contact you via email or text so that we can align your learning style and preferences with the perfect Step 2 CK tutor for you. This personalized approach matches you with the most productive tutor for a successful outcome when you take your test.
Strategize your learning plans and goals: You'll receive an email with thorough instructions about how to reserve and join your first online tutoring session. You can email your desired goals and outcomes to your tutor before your first training session, and you'll review the content and discuss learning strategies and study plans together.
Choose a package based on personalized recommendations: We'll send you a recording of your study session and a personalized feedback report of what we suggest to optimize success when you take your Step 2 CK exam. Our recommendations can help you select the right tutoring package that'll work best for you.
Book Your One-Hour Discounted Tutoring Session
We know that the high caliber of our step 2 tutoring company services is truly unmatched, and we want you to experience it yourself without any obligation.
Benefits of 1-on-1 Online Tutoring
- With live online tutoring for USMLE step 2, you can get support from our trusted tutors right from the comfort of your own desk. Unlike group tutoring, live 1-on-1 online tutoring with our experts gives you the chance to dive deeply into the material you're having trouble with and get every single one of your questions answered. In the event you don't know what you'd like to focus on, we can help you determine which areas you need assistance with and get you feeling confident for your exam and residency program.
- Whether you're ahead of the game or falling behind, live online tutoring sessions give you the chance to work with experts who can accurately gauge your skill and help you master the knowledge you need for the USMLE. When you work with Medlearnity tutors, you can identify your weak subjects. Our comprehensive curriculum ensures you'll be completely ready for the exam and understand every subject, inside and out.
- Medlearnity pairs you with a tutor who specializes in the areas you need help with. Your tutor will be ready with lesson plans, test-taking drills, and study schedules to keep you on track to receive a passing score.
- Our team is made up of real doctors who have extensive experience in their field as well as impressive knowledge about how to get into the country's best medical schools. All of our expert tutors have personal experience with med school exams and have ample insights into test material and test-taking strategies.
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