personalised TEACHING

VALUE Focused


Absite Trial Reservation

Original price was: $245.00.Current price is: $49.00.


Our first session is completely free, but we do have a small deposit to reserve this time. Why is this? Charging a deposit helps us to eliminate spam and confirm that bookings are by real people, not bots or anonymous troublemakers. The deposit is 100% refundable after your session.

Once we receive your reservation, we will email you a few meeting options and schedule your trial session within 2-3 days. If you ultimately decide that our tutoring is not for you, we will refund the deposit back to your card. Lastly, please note our 24-hour cancellation policy.
Thank you for working with Medlearnity!
-Medlearnity Team

Medlearnity Education

High Impact Medical Tutoring