Medlearnity’s team will help you craft a compelling personal statement, secondary applications, shine on your interviews, and much more! Here is how we break down our work:

Brainstorming (i.e., for personal statements and secondary applications), Mock Interviews and Application Strategy: This time is one-to-one meeting time on Zoom. Getting feedback to help brainstorm before writing can often help you form a more persuasive statement earlier and save you frustration down the road. Furthermore, like anything competitive, having an organized approach and strategy can make a significant impact! I can’t tell you how many times a well-placed email to admissions has opened significant doors and opportunities.
Document editing and feedback: We schedule half of our meeting time towards editing documents on a shared Google document and the other portion towards meeting you on Zoom to discuss the feedback. I know a lot of companies are email-based, but this works much better in my experience. For example, if you were working on a personal statement and completed your first draft, we would schedule 30 minutes to edit the document and then 30 minutes to meet with you to discuss the feedback. (Note that brainstorming before writing would fall into the category above). This 50/50 ratio works very well in my experience and allows us to stay flexible with your needs. Writing something powerful is a continuous process, and it’s hard to always fit into a timeline. You can also use this service to get help crafting persuasive emails, thank you letters, or anything similar. With secondary applications, there is a decent amount of writing involved.