A strong score on COMLEX Level 2-CE bolsters your residency application, especially if your COMLEX Level 1 score wasn't ideal. Even if you did do well on Level 1, a strong performance on Level 2-CE demonstrates consistency and clinical excellence.
COMLEX Level 2-CE and Level 2-PE Overview

COMLEX Level 2 is taken during the third or fourth year of medical school. It consists of two parts, Level 2-CE, Cognitive Evaluation and Level 2-PE, Performance Evaluation.
What Content Does COMLEX Level 2-PE Cover?
Level 2-PE is a one-day, 7-hour clinical skills exam that utilizes standardized patients (actors) to simulate real-life patient encounters and test your clinical skills. You will have 12 patient encounters, each 14 minutes in duration. Following each encounter, candidates have 9 minutes to type a SOAP note. Level 2-PE is graded on a pass/fail basis.
What Content Does COMLEX Level 2-CE Cover?
Unlike Level 2-PE, Level 2-CE is graded on a competitive numerical scale. It is a multiple-choice, 8-hour exam, divided into two testing sessions of 4-hours each. Level 2-CE is a problem and symptoms-based exam that requires candidates to demonstrate knowledge of clinical concepts and medical decision-making. Level 2-CE tests emergency medicine, family medicine, internal medicine, obstetrics and gynecology, osteopathic principles, pediatrics, psychiatry and surgery.
How is COMLEX Level 2-CE Scored?
A passing score on Level 2-CE is 400, and the national average is approximately 540, with a standard deviation of about 100. Competitive specialties such as radiology and dermatology expect residency applicants to perform well on Level 2 CE. A strong performance on Level 2-CE bolsters your residency application significantly, making you a more competitive candidate for prestigious residency programs, especially if your Level 1 score wasn't ideal. Even if you did score well on Level 1, a strong performance on Level 2-CE demonstrates consistency and clinical excellence.
Why You Should Choose MED LEARNITY For Level 2 Tutoring

Personalized Learning
We'll assess your strengths and weaknesses when it comes to the COMLEX and match you with the perfect tutor. Our COMLEX Level 2 tutors customize every lesson just for you. We offer flexible scheduling, comprehensive study guides and recordings of each session so you have all the resources you need for success.

Real Doctors
Our COMLEX tutors are real physicians who have trained at the top hospitals in the country. They're excellent educators with superior COMLEX scores and practical experience. Medlearnity tutors are available to help you reach your own goals on your journey to practice medicine. Meet our tutors!

Proven Results
Medlearnity has worked with over 500 future doctors on the path to their medical careers. We know how to prepare our students for these important exams. Medical students return to Medlearnity ahead of their next exams again and again because they've experienced the value of our tutoring services.
What to Expect From Our COMLEX Tutors
At Medlearnity, Students Come First. We understand preparing for the COMLEX Level 2 can be intimidating and deeply personal (to say the least). Therefore, we approach every student's situation with our utmost attention to detail to see how we can best assist you. Whether you are having challenges meeting your performance goals, or simply want to make sure you are on a path to success, our team is available to share our perspective. We hope you feel the 'Students First' mentality at Medlearnity from the quality of your sessions and expertise of our team.
What to Expect
How to Get Started with COMLEX Level 2 Tutoring
Sign up for our one-hour discounted session. You'll receive an email or phone call from us shortly thereafter for some more information so we can understand your particular situation and assess your personal needs to pair you up with the COMLEX tutor that's a perfect fit. This way, we're off to a very productive and personalized start, right from your very first session.
You'll receive an email introducing you to your new COMLEX Level 2 tutor, and instructions on how to join your first trial session and reserve your session time. During this first trial session, your tutor will review content and discuss study strategy. You can email your tutor beforehand if there is any particular content you want to cover or if you have any questions you'd like to address.
After your trial session, we'll send you a feedback report with next steps, our recommendations and a recording of your session so you can review any material you went over with your tutor. If you decide you'd like to continue working with us to achieve your goals, we'll set you up with a tutoring package that works best for you.
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